Getting out of Social Media Overwhelm!
Social media doesn’t have to be overwhelming and frustrating - it can be FUN!
Social Media can be overwhelming. It is for my clients and at one point it was for me too!
When we are overwhelmed, it shuts down our creativity and for many, their optimism and sense of hope. It is hard to get out of that overwhelm pit of despair – but it is possible.
Here are some things that have worked for my clients and for me – I hope they work for you too.
Break things down into manageable chunks. If that still feels overwhelming, break the chunks into even smaller bites.
For instance – posting consistently to social media feels impossible and overwhelming.
Action: Commit to posting consistently 1 time each week – instead of every day, which likely feels overwhelming. If still feels unmanageable, commit to post every other week.
Do less NOT more. Many of us are overachievers and want to do it all at once, as fast as possible. This approach rarely works and isn’t sustainable in the long term.
For instance – You have trouble with your content – knowing what to say. You also want to grow your followers and you want to post consistently. Pick one to start with not all at the same time. Focus on learning what content aligns with your brand and your audience and doing that first. When you know what to say and how to say it, you will start to be more consistent without making that your primary goal.
Action: Focus on the most important goal and ignore the others until you are well on your way with your first goal.
Set time aside each day or each week to work on your goal. Calendar 15-30 minutes several times each week to work on your social media. BE 100% focused on the task at hand, not thinking about the fifty other things you need to do.
Action: Set a timer and when the time is up – you can wrap up what you are working on and be done. You may be surprised how much you accomplish.
Make it fun. You may not think social media and fun can co-exist, but they can.
Action: Some ways to make social media fun include – playing your favorite music, lighting an aromatherapy candle, wearing a goofy hat or tiara to keep your mood light. And reward yourself once you finish your allotted social media time regardless of whether you accomplished what you hoped.
Rewards could be things that motivate you – yoga or dance break, take a walk, paint something, cuddle with your cat, eat some chocolate…
I hope that by following these tips that you can start to become more comfortable with social media and you will find that things get easier and less frustrating, and finally even fun!
Let me hear from you. Which of these will you try? I’ll be cheering for you!