Having ease with social media starts with this…
If you are like so many people, social media can FEEL frustrating and a big time waster. This is something that I hear all of the time and in almost every conversation. I can relate because this was my experience too but it doesn’t have to be this way!
When you approach your social media randomly with no goal in mind - other than to post something, anything, because it has been too long - you won’t be focused on your audience or creating a connection.
Anytime you are reactive rather than being intentional (and calm) you won’t be sharing with your customer in mind. When you are customer-focused you are more likely to connect with them.
And when you are always playing catch-up with social media it is frustrating - and keeps you reacting, often from panic or desperation. So what do you do instead?
Ask yourself what would you like your social media to do and why? Here are a few:
Brand awareness - letting your audience know that you exist and what you are about.
Position yourself as an expert - demonstrate your expertise in your niche.
Grow your following - gain more followers in your niche.
Be “Instagram famous” - be known on Instagram, Facebook, Linked-In to your audience and others.
Convert to customers - move your ideal customers through the buying process so that they eventually buy from you.
Knowing your overall goal helps you to tell if you are accomplishing what you set out to do, rather than a vague sense of dissatisfaction because you don’t know how to measure your progress.
If you haven’t been dedicating time to your social media consistently, it can feel hard to get started but take heart - it is possible! Social media is like any new habit, it takes time and resolve to get started. It can feel a bit like pushing a boulder uphill as you get your momentum going.
The important thing is to get started. Habits take time so that they become automatic. You probably don’t give much thought to riding a bicycle, because it is automatic. The same can be true of your social media with a little effort.
Many times, when we are setting goals we choose the really big things that are overwhelming and feel unattainable. Have you ever heard the question - “how do you eat an elephant?” (not that you would want to!) The answer is - one bite at a time. That means to break things down into manageable chunks so that you can accomplish it with EASE - by creating tiny habits!
This makes it easier and a lot less overwhelming to take action. Check out my video below for ideas on how to make social media a habit:
Creating a new social media habit doesn’t have to be overwhelming.