Letting Your Audience Get to Know You!
Rapport with your customers happens when you let them get to know you or your brand.
Do you stress out over the thought of sharing about YOU on social media? If so you aren’t alone!
I used to love sharing lots of tips but didn’t want to share photos of me and definitely not videos of myself. It felt like I was being “too much” if I did. All my life I’ve been taught not to seek the spotlight, the stage, the accolades.
When I began my business, it was easier to let my clients shine while remaining in the background of my life. Somewhere I learned not to share my voice or speak my truth. And being in front of the camera just felt wrong.
What I have learned since then is that in order to connect with my ideal clients, I have to be visible – me, not hiding behind sharing so much stuff. It felt weird to start sharing photos of me and then to start sharing videos. But I took it slow.
In order to create that know, like, and trust that is essential to your customers wanting to buy from you – they have to get to know you. How do you do that?
One of the easiest ways is sharing Behind the Scenes from your life or work. I’ve shared about this on Instagram, so be sure to check out my feed for ideas. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Share your typical day (if you have one)
- Some of your favorite things (coffee, tea, wine, restaurants, parks…)
- Your favorite way to unwind & relax
- Your pets or family time
When I started sharing more of me, you know what I found? That the posts with me in them performed better, much better. That gave me more confidence to start sharing my message and my voice.
Check out the video below for some tips on how to do that!