Let’s get a little personal
Sharing your life beyond business builds rapport with your audience.
If you are like me, you want to put your best face forward in your marketing and social media. I used to think that I always had be professional and be the expert in everything I shared. What I have come to realize is that while this is important it is also important to share things that are a little more personal.
From looking at my social insights the posts where I share a photo of me outside of my normal businessy posts always receive more engagement (likes, comments, shares, saves) than the more business oriented posts.
If you are an introvert like me this may feel scary, but listen to why this is important. One of the goals for your marketing messaging is to create rapport, likability, and relatability. This happens more quickly when you share something beyond your business life that your audience can relate to or they want to relate to.
It is easy to hide behind your company, brand, and content. But if you are a solopreneur or the face of your brand, then your audience wants to know about you. The good news is that you get to choose what you want to share and what remains private.
Here are some suggestions of things to share –
Favorite summer getaways
Your pets
Activities that you enjoy with your family
Your latest hiking club hike
Lesson learned from summer vacation
Your favorite way to relax
Favorite summer foods
Behind the scenes
When you share any of these things, make sure that you infuse them with your personality. It’s best if you can personalize with photos of you or you with others. Remember you aren’t doing this to show-off but to create connection with your audience. And you are in control of what you share – no oversharing required!
People are curious about others lives. I know I am and I love it when people I am following provide a glimpse behind the curtain into their lives. Your audience will appreciate your authenticity too.
This photo is from the Wines of Portugal trip that I led earlier this month that provides a glimpse into my life and interests beyond my work life. It should make you a little curious to learn more.
Action step: I invite you to brainstorm some things you can begin to share that allow your audience get to know you and see another dimension of your life.