Social Media is more than doing all the things
Posting from a place of positivity will infuse your social media with good energy to attract your customers
It is so easy to think that to be successful on social media is about following a formula or doing all the right things.
Social media does require that you DO things – post regularly, share valuable content with your audience, and engage and build community with your followers. But it is easy to get lost in all of the doing.
Posting at the right time of day for your audience is important but so is the ENERGY that you bring to your social media!
Have you ever been turned off or repelled by a business account on social media? It might be what they talk about or it might be a photo that isn’t congruent with their message and it could also be the ENERGY they are bringing to their posts doesn’t match their brand personality.
Have you ever been around someone who was “desperate?” They don’t have to say or do anything to share their desperation but you can FEEL IT and it doesn’t feel good. I like to get as far away from those people as possible.
I don’t hear many people talking about the ENERGY that you bring and infuse on social media but it is really important.
When my audience sees something from me, I want it to feel like an invitation. I want them to feel hopeful and that the tips I am sharing are POSSIBLE for them. That is important to me as they start to know, like, and hopefully trust me.
Check out my video below for some EASY tips you can use to BE the energy you want to convey to your audience.
Attracting your ideal customers is easier when you are bringing the right energy to your social media.