Spring Clean your Social Media!
When we think of spring cleaning, most of the time we think of big cleaning or streamlining projects. This year I invite you to also think about cleaning and streamlining your social media too.
It’s probably been some time since you slowed down and evaluated your strategy and how you are showing up on your social media platforms.
Here are spring cleaning social activities:
Leave online groups that are no longer serving you or you don’t have time to participate in. I did this not too long ago – I actually belonged to over 100 FB groups but never found time to even look at more than 15. Although it was difficult initially to leave groups, it felt so freeing and light. Let go of those feelings of obligation.
Remove followers that aren’t your ideal clients – wait! What?! If you don’t have thousands of followers it feels like cutting off an arm to actually remove followers but if they aren’t engaging or even interested in your content, they hurt your metrics.
A great place to start is to remove the accounts that are following lots of people but have few posts or few followers. Remove the single guys who are using IG as a dating site. You know the first name + number accounts that have a gallery of photos of themselves with no captions. Remove the least interacted with accounts too while you are at it.
Unfollow Accounts that you don’t want to see in your feed or are no longer relevant. They won’t know you aren’t following them, so don’t worry. Instagram allows you to see your followers by “least interacted with.” Take a look and see which of these accounts you can let go of. If you have a lot that you are unfollowing, don’t do more than 40 a day or your account might get flagged.
Unfollow or unfriend on your personal Facebook account. If you don’t want to unfriend, you can unfollow them and you won’t see any more of their posts. It feels really good to let go, especially if you wouldn’t have coffee with them if they lived in your town.
Update your Bio and About sections on your social platforms and website. Make them fun, punchy and concise. What information would your ideal clients want to know? Focus on how you help your customers or the result they get from using your products or services. They want to know how you help THEM, not your credentials and education! This should be done on a regular basis, not just once per year.
All of these activities free up space and energy so that you have room for the people that are a match to your energy and priorities. Don’t go into overwhelm. You don’t have to do all of these, pick a few and do those. Once done, don’t forget to celebrate that you spring cleaned your social media! I’m proud of you.
Watch the video below for the most important thing you SHOULD NOT forget about when streamlining your social media.
It might not have occurred to you to spring clean your social media . That’s OK, I ’m sharing ideas to make it easy to polish your social profiles until they shine.